Like most programming languages, PHP lets you create variables in your scripts. A variable is a storage container that holds a value. This value can change as the script runs. You can:
  • Assign any value you like to a variable
  • Access the value stored in a variable, and
  • Change a variable’s value at any time.
Variables are useful because they let you write flexible scripts. For example, a script that can only add 3 and 4 together isn’t very useful. A script that can add any two values together, though, is much more flexible.

Creating a variable

To create a new variable in PHP, you can just write the variable’s name:
Notice the dollar ($) symbol before the variable name. All PHP variables have a dollar symbol in front.
This is known as declaring a variable. It’s also a good idea to give the variable an initial value at the time you declare it — this is known as initializing the variable:
$myVariable = 23;
Note: If you don’t initialize a new variable then it takes on a value of null.

Changing a variable’s value

You’ve just seen how to assign a value to a variable: you simply write the variable name, followed by an equals sign, followed by the value you want to assign.
To change a variable’s value, simply assign the new value:


$myVariable = 23;
$myVariable = 45;
$myVariable = "hello";

The first line of code creates a new variable with a numeric value of 23, while the second line changes the variable’s value to 45. The third line changes the value again — this time to a string of text, “hello”.
PHP is a loosely-typed language, which means you can change the type of data that a variable holds whenever you like. In the above example, $myVariable starts off holding a number, and finishes by holding a string of text.

Using a variable’s value

To use the value of a variable in your script, simply write the variable’s name. For example, to display the value of $myVariable you’d use:

echo $myVariable;


To add the values of two variables $x and $y together and display the result, you could write:

echo $x + $y;



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