PHP provides a special set of predefined global arrays containing various useful nuggets of information. These arrays are known as superglobals because they’re accessible from anywhere in your script — including inside functions — and you don’t need to declare them as global using the global keyword.
Here’s a full list of the superglobals available in PHP, as of version 5.3:
$GLOBALS    Contains a list of all global variables in the script (excluding superglobals)
$_GET       Holds a list of all form fields sent by the browser using the GET request
$_POST      Holds a list of all form fields sent by the browser using the POST request
$_COOKIE    holds a list of all cookies sent by the browser
$_REQUEST   Contains all the keys and values in the $_GET$_POST and $_COOKIE arrays combined
$_FILES     holds a list of any files uploaded by the browser
$_SESSION   allows you to store and retrieve persistent session variables for the current browser
$_SERVER    Holds server environment info such as the filename of the running script, and the IP address of the browser.
$_ENV       contains a list of environment variables passed to PHP. These can include variables provided by the shell, as well as CGI variables.
For example, we can use the $_GET superglobal to retrieve a value included in the query string of the script’s URL, and display the value in the page:


$yourName = $_GET['yourName'];
echo "Hello, $yourName!";


If you run the above script using a URL along the lines of    then the script displays:


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