This post is part of a series called How Theme Frameworks Actually Work.
Deciding How to Develop Your WordPress Theme Framework
Creating the Starting Files for Your WordPress Theme Framework
In the earlier parts of this series, you've learned how theme frameworks work and have considered your approach to the framework you're developing.
Now it's time to dive into some code!
In this tutorial you'll take a basic theme and edit the template files so they're ready for hooks and functions to be added to them for your framework. The purpose of this tutorial is to tidy up the theme so that code isn't duplicated, which means you'll be creating include files for the loop. 
This means you won't have to create duplicate loops in your child themes when you create new template files, and if you need to edit the loop you only have to do it once.
Note: the starting files are based on the theme I created for my series on creating a WordPress theme from HTML, with a few changes. You can download them from the GitHub repository accompanying this series.
To follow this tutorial, you'll need:
  • a development installation of WordPress
  • your own starting theme or the starting theme files in the GitHub repository for this series
  • a code editor
For my framework I'm going to create three loops:
  • one for archives (including the main blog page)
  • one for single posts
  • one for pages
This is because I want each of these to display slightly differently than the others.
Even though there'll be three loops, it will still be more efficient than including a loop in every single template file in your framework.
The main loop will be for archives and the main blog page. In your theme folder, create a file called loop.php.
Copy the following into it from archive.php:
You don't need to display a heading on the main blog page, so add a conditional tag around the first loop, to check that we're not on that page:
The first loop will now read as follows:
Now you need to include this loop in the relevant template files. In archive.php andindex.php, replace the existing loop with the get_template_part() tag, which includes your loop file in the right place:
You now have a working loop for archives.
Next you'll create a loop file for pages. Create a file called loop-page.php.
Copy the loop to it from the existing page.php:
Now in all your theme's page templates (page.php and page-full-width.php), replace the loop with:
Finally, you'll create a loop file for single posts, which will work for normal posts and for any custom post types you create in future. This is similar to the main loop except that it doesn't include a link to the post, and there's no initial loop to check what kind of archive we're on.
Create a file called loop-single.php and another called single.php.
Copy the contents of the index.php file into single.php, and edit the comments at the beginning of the file and the call for the loop, so it reads:
Now in single-loop.php, copy the code in loop.php, not including the first loop looking for archives. Edit the opening heading tag inside the loop to remove the link, so that the code reads:
Save these two files. You now have all of your loop files ready to go.
Tidying up a theme and reducing duplicate code before using it as at the basis of a theme framework will save you hours of work in the long run. 
As you create child themes to work with this parent theme, you'll find yourself creating bespoke loops to simply create content in exactly the right way for a given project. By only having three discrete loops to work with, you'll avoid the necessity of creating duplicate template files in your child theme and you'll just have to create duplicate loop files.


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