
  1. Create user database
  2. Create login form
  3. Validation of form contents
  4. Connect to database
  5. Compare login values to the database values
  6. Set a session variable if we are successful

Create a user database

Before we can do anything, we need to create a database to hold the user login username and password. So lets begin with a simple database schema to hold these values. We will also need a database to hold our table. Create a database named "phpro_auth".
mysqladmin create phpro_auth -u root -p
Next, create user to use the database so you dont need to use root.
mysql phpro_auth -u root -p
When you have logged into the database, use this command to create a generic username and password. GRANT ALL ON phpro_auth TO mysql_username@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mysql_password'
Of course, you can change the mysql_username and mysql_password to whatever you like, but these will be the values PHP uses to access to the database. With that accomplished we can now create the table that will hold the login information.
CREATE TABLE phpro_users (
phpro_user_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
phpro_username varchar(20) NOT NULL,
phpro_password char(40) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (phpro_user_id),
UNIQUE KEY phpro_username (phpro_username)
The above schema can be loaded directly from the mysql prompt, or if you wish to store it as phpro_auth.sql then load it with the command line
mysql phpro_auth < phpro_auth -u db_username -p

Adding Users

Now we have the database set up to hold the information, we need to add a user or two. This is no more than a simple HTML form with two fields but the form is also your first line of defence against malicious users as we will see. The form will have a text field for the db_username, and a password field for the db_password. We will call this adduser.php and it will look like this:

/*** begin our session ***/session_start();
/*** set a form token ***/$form_token md5uniqid('auth'true) );
/*** set the session form token ***/$_SESSION['form_token'] = $form_token;?>
<title>PHPRO Login</title>

<h2>Add user</h2>
<form action="adduser_submit.php" method="post">
<label for="phpro_username">Username</label>
<input type="text" id="phpro_username" name="phpro_username" value="" maxlength="20" />
<label for="phpro_password">Password</label>
<input type="text" id="phpro_password" name="phpro_password" value="" maxlength="20" />
<input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="<?php echo $form_token?>" />
<input type="submit" value="&rarr; Login" />
Note that in the form above, the names of the fields, correspond exactly to the names of the fields in the database. It is recommended for this convention to be applied to all form and database interactions to avoid confusion. This is to avoid confusion particularly if somebody else has to edit your code at a later date. Quite often experienced developers forget this and apply "clever" short names that third party find meaningless (you know who you are!). Another point to notice is the maxlength attribute has been set to the same value as its corresponding database field. This is to protect users from themselves if they try to enter a value greater than the database field will hold. It will not, however, stop a malicious user who may user thier own form to enter values. This must be taken care of at the processing level when the form is submitted.
From a security aspect this form does the basic needs of checking for type and length. More importantly however is the setting of the form token in both the form and as a session variable. The ensures that the form that is being posted in, in fact, OUR form and not one used by some malicious user. It also prevents multiple postings so our database is not flooded by somebody hitting the refresh button ten thousand times. It is a simple addition to your forms and will go a long way to securing them. It should be noted, that to username and password from the form is sent in clear text from the clien to the server,and to secure this, you must use HTTPS rather than the standard HTTP

Processing Added Users

Now that we have a form to add the users, we need to be able to process the information they have submitted. PHP provides the ability to filter data from users with the filter extention. Here we create a file called adduser_submit.php that will be used to process the adduser data that is submitted from the form. The process here is to check the values of the fields are alphanumeric, and that the string lengths are no longer than expected twenty(20) chars for a username. Although the password field maxlength is set to twenty(20) also, the database field to hold it is forty chars long. This is because we will be sha1 encrypting the password and the sha1 encryption creates a forty character encrypted string. We should also check the username is not already in use as having two usernames the same would rather defeat the whole purpose.
If the user data is ok, we can then add the username and password to the database. Here is the code that will do it for us:

<?php/*** begin our session ***/session_start();
/*** first check that both the username, password and form token have been sent ***/if(!isset( $_POST['phpro_username'], $_POST['phpro_password'], $_POST['form_token']))
$message 'Please enter a valid username and password';
/*** check the form token is valid ***/elseif( $_POST['form_token'] != $_SESSION['form_token'])
$message 'Invalid form submission';
/*** check the username is the correct length ***/elseif (strlen$_POST['phpro_username']) > 20 || strlen($_POST['phpro_username']) < 4)
$message 'Incorrect Length for Username';
/*** check the password is the correct length ***/elseif (strlen$_POST['phpro_password']) > 20 || strlen($_POST['phpro_password']) < 4)
$message 'Incorrect Length for Password';
/*** check the username has only alpha numeric characters ***/elseif (ctype_alnum($_POST['phpro_username']) != true)
/*** if there is no match ***/
$message "Username must be alpha numeric";
/*** check the password has only alpha numeric characters ***/elseif (ctype_alnum($_POST['phpro_password']) != true)
/*** if there is no match ***/
$message "Password must be alpha numeric";
/*** if we are here the data is valid and we can insert it into database ***/
$phpro_username filter_var($_POST['phpro_username'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$phpro_password filter_var($_POST['phpro_password'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

/*** now we can encrypt the password ***/
$phpro_password sha1$phpro_password );
/*** connect to database ***/
    /*** mysql hostname ***/
$mysql_hostname 'localhost';

/*** mysql username ***/
$mysql_username 'mysql_username';

/*** mysql password ***/
$mysql_password 'mysql_password';

/*** database name ***/
$mysql_dbname 'phpro_auth';

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$mysql_hostname;dbname=$mysql_dbname"$mysql_username$mysql_password);
/*** $message = a message saying we have connected ***/

        /*** set the error mode to excptions ***/

/*** prepare the insert ***/
$stmt $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO phpro_users (phpro_username, phpro_password ) VALUES (:phpro_username, :phpro_password )");

/*** bind the parameters ***/

/*** execute the prepared statement ***/

/*** unset the form token session variable ***/
unset( $_SESSION['form_token'] );

/*** if all is done, say thanks ***/
$message 'New user added';
Exception $e)
/*** check if the username already exists ***/
if( $e->getCode() == 23000)
$message 'Username already exists';
/*** if we are here, something has gone wrong with the database ***/
$message 'We are unable to process your request. Please try again later"';
<title>PHPRO Login</title>
<p><?php echo $message?></body>
This submit for takes a simple approach to dealing with the submission by checking each possibility of an error and assigning an error message, or a success message if the user is added. A check is added within the exception code to check if the username already exists. This works because we have applied a unique index to the phpro_username field. If a username already exists within the database, an 23000 SQL error is generated such as this
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'kevin' for key 2
Using the built in exception handling of PHP and PDO we can catch this error and generate our own value for the message. It is worth noting here that error messages such as those generated by exceptions should not be shown to the end users. Such messages should be used for debugging code by the developers. You can see the error messages generated by exceptons using $e->getMessage(). System errors should never be shown to the user and it is recommended you change this to a more user friendly error message such as "We are unable to process your request. Please try again later" or something.

Logging In

Now we can get to the part where a user can finally log in to the system. Like most database interactions, it begins with a form. In this form we need to supply a username and password just as we did with the adduser.php form. Lets take a look:
<html> <head> <title>PHPRO Login</title> </head> <body> <h2>Login Here</h2> <form action="login_submit.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <p> <label for="phpro_username">Username</label> <input type="text" id="phpro_username" name="phpro_username" value="" maxlength="20" /> </p> <p> <label for="phpro_password">Password</label> <input type="text" id="phpro_password" name="phpro_password" value="" maxlength="20" /> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="→ Login" /> </p> </fieldset> </form> </body> </html>
This is a very generic form and this time we POST the form to the login_submit.php file where we will carry out similar checks on the data that we carried out when adding the users. Once again we will check the type and length of the variables submitted, just in case somebody is trying to send us 2 meg text file, or shell code to try to login with. Can you imagine sending that sort of information to the database. When the username and password are successfully validated we check in the database to see if the username and password are correct, if they are we set a SESSION variable and if the values are incorrect, no action is taken. Lets jump into some code...

/*** begin our session ***/session_start();
/*** check if the users is already logged in ***/if(isset( $_SESSION['user_id'] ))
$message 'Users is already logged in';
/*** check that both the username, password have been submitted ***/if(!isset( $_POST['phpro_username'], $_POST['phpro_password']))
$message 'Please enter a valid username and password';
/*** check the username is the correct length ***/elseif (strlen$_POST['phpro_username']) > 20 || strlen($_POST['phpro_username']) < 4)
$message 'Incorrect Length for Username';
/*** check the password is the correct length ***/elseif (strlen$_POST['phpro_password']) > 20 || strlen($_POST['phpro_password']) < 4)
$message 'Incorrect Length for Password';
/*** check the username has only alpha numeric characters ***/elseif (ctype_alnum($_POST['phpro_username']) != true)
/*** if there is no match ***/
$message "Username must be alpha numeric";
/*** check the password has only alpha numeric characters ***/elseif (ctype_alnum($_POST['phpro_password']) != true)
/*** if there is no match ***/
$message "Password must be alpha numeric";
/*** if we are here the data is valid and we can insert it into database ***/
$phpro_username filter_var($_POST['phpro_username'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$phpro_password filter_var($_POST['phpro_password'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

/*** now we can encrypt the password ***/
$phpro_password sha1$phpro_password );
/*** connect to database ***/
    /*** mysql hostname ***/
$mysql_hostname 'localhost';

/*** mysql username ***/
$mysql_username 'mysql_username';

/*** mysql password ***/
$mysql_password 'mysql_password';

/*** database name ***/
$mysql_dbname 'phpro_auth';

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$mysql_hostname;dbname=$mysql_dbname"$mysql_username$mysql_password);
/*** $message = a message saying we have connected ***/

        /*** set the error mode to excptions ***/

/*** prepare the select statement ***/
$stmt $dbh->prepare("SELECT phpro_user_id, phpro_username, phpro_password FROM phpro_users
                    WHERE phpro_username = :phpro_username AND phpro_password = :phpro_password"

/*** bind the parameters ***/

/*** execute the prepared statement ***/

/*** check for a result ***/
$user_id $stmt->fetchColumn();

/*** if we have no result then fail boat ***/
if($user_id == false)
$message 'Login Failed';
/*** if we do have a result, all is well ***/
/*** set the session user_id variable ***/
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;

/*** tell the user we are logged in ***/
$message 'You are now logged in';

Exception $e)
/*** if we are here, something has gone wrong with the database ***/
$message 'We are unable to process your request. Please try again later"';
<title>PHPRO Login</title>
<p><?php echo $message?></body>

Testing For Logged In Users

Now that we can log in, we can test to see if the user is logged in or not when accessing a page on our site. This might be an admin page or a members only page that subscribers only have access to. Lets create a file called members.php and see if we can access it.

/*** begin the session ***/session_start();

$message 'You must be logged in to access this page';
/*** connect to database ***/
        /*** mysql hostname ***/
$mysql_hostname 'localhost';

/*** mysql username ***/
$mysql_username 'mysql_username';

/*** mysql password ***/
$mysql_password 'mysql_password';

/*** database name ***/
$mysql_dbname 'phpro_auth';

/*** select the users name from the database ***/
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$mysql_hostname;dbname=$mysql_dbname"$mysql_username$mysql_password);
/*** $message = a message saying we have connected ***/

        /*** set the error mode to excptions ***/

/*** prepare the insert ***/
$stmt $dbh->prepare("SELECT phpro_username FROM phpro_users
        WHERE phpro_user_id = :phpro_user_id"

/*** bind the parameters ***/
$stmt->bindParam(':phpro_user_id'$_SESSION['user_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);

/*** execute the prepared statement ***/

/*** check for a result ***/
$phpro_username $stmt->fetchColumn();

/*** if we have no something is wrong ***/
if($phpro_username == false)
$message 'Access Error';
$message 'Welcome '.$phpro_username;
    catch (
Exception $e)
/*** if we are here, something is wrong in the database ***/
$message 'We are unable to process your request. Please try again later"';
<title>Members Only Page</title>
<h2><?php echo $message?></h2>
With the members.php file above, the SESSION variable is checked and if it exists, and if it does, we attempt to get the username from the database. Upon success we can send a greeting to the user or do anything else we like, the important piece is that we have successfully checked if the users is logged in or not.


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